Wednesday, November 21, 2007

news on the operation for kanye's mom

i can't put the code in here for the video but here is a link of a discussion about kanye's moms operation

"what it is" - nas snippet

rik is shooting 3 videos just this week... look foward to the videos :o]

loving all the jay

and Alicia Keys sold 742,000 in her first week. That's more than Curtis and Jay's last 2 albums 1st weeks.


The Last Shall Be First. said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. The more Mags Hov is on the front of...the better off the world will be. lol

GFC BQE said...

we love u...we all are your team...but if you're lookin for a specific one, my offer still stands ;)

Anonymous said...

Curtis stays losing.

Anonymous said...

Nas & Jay....Yup Yup!!