Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Preview American Gangster

Jay Z's American Gangster

poor T.I., everythings happening and he's locked away

how many can Rik Cordero direct.. :D


Dee-Is-Hip-Hop said...

ok...so how do u feel about the album...i luv it...exactly what i expected....tryin' to get these tickects 4 the tour in chicago...hope they aren't sold out...thanks 4 this post,couldn't listen to it when i found it....so i came to u...u always come through 4 me....peace & luv..ONe

Dee-Is-Hip-Hop said...

oh yea...forgot to comment the video...HOT!!!!...i see Cordero got his own still of shootin' luv it...ONe

h.e.r.fection said...

yaaas, rik has his signature moves doesn't he? I can't tell u what i think quite yet.. im still listening 8)

Anonymous said...

dope video.. im mad cool n dre bit offa david banner and T.I.'s "rubberband man". rik got that dirty genuine hiphop style to his videos tho. i like that shit. i hope his shits get better as far as him bein able to do MORE when he get more paper..but he keeps it lookin the same. hes gonna be sumthin to watch like he got 12 numbers on his forehead

h.e.r.fection said...

:] he has the talent, he just needs to door and the money to make it happen

DeWitz said...

Why you gotta go an leak Jay's album like that..
I'm not listen till it hit's retail.... Yup I am one of those guys..

h.e.r.fection said...

you're a good man

Mr.Ray said...

Jay's album sounds good. Curious to hear that Hello Brooklyn 2.0.

EveryBodyLovesNeeq said...

i know is freakin crazy