Tuesday, October 9, 2007

lupe interview


i have about 60% of the album finished and i have to be done by Oct. 15th. I'm trying to be on it but i have a little writer's block.
I'm happy with what i have on the music side and on the visual side of my album. The visual side that's going to tell the other side of th story is rediculous.

what inspired you to write "Dumb it Down"?
I stopped writing off awhile and when i came back this was one of the first recrods that i wrote. I was shaking the cobwebs off. The verses are intense. I don't care if you don't get it or if they don't get it. The purpose of the record was just to be that lyrical street record to put out with no real intentions to try and change anybody over. It was really just like, 'Lupe can rhyme.'

more http://www.hiphopgame.com/index2.php3?page=lupe

have y'all ever seen lupe perform?
i know which song he's performing with this move.. ;]

i loved it. His rhythm is different from any other performer. He reminds me of how much i love hearing instrumentals, he pretends as if he's playing which ever instrument comes on while he's not rapping, and his movement is almost not even on a steady pace, he floats around. Really good performer


thE oLd SouL said...

Lupe rocks the mic like a the leader of a rock band. He keeps the crowd hyped. He was going crazy when he did American Terriorist (that's what he was doing in the second pic right).

h.e.r.fection said...

:D!!! we have a winner lol

Dee-Is-Hip-Hop said...

which song is lupe performing with that move...u don't know...lol...