Tuesday, October 9, 2007

breakin' my heart - Little Brother ft. lil wayne

phonte best verse..? 8)
i have the mp3 if you'd like it



thE oLd SouL said...

I just stopped the song, I trying to wait until the 28th. You are always making it hard for me not listen to an album before it comes out, lol! But it sounded crazy though.

Dee-Is-Hip-Hop said...

i've heard a preview of the whole album already...it sounds good...i like this joint with wayne....i really miss those 9th beats though...i think he did 1 joint on there...oh yea...i got that dream merchant 2 (9th wonder's album)...it's great...u need to cop it boog...peace & luv..One

h.e.r.fection said...

yeah i heard the preview...GREAT preview too really makes me anticipate it...and yes i try oldie lol 8)

Anonymous said...

phonte is one of my favorite rappers.... shhhessh... his verse was crazy stupid (c) my neighbor from new york

I love this joint, the beat's real smooth and laid back; solid production from 9th. LB came proper as usual and I'm ACTUALLY SURPRISED by Lil Wayne.


h.e.r.fection said...

lol at my neighbor

Anonymous said...

nah...this is aight.. but, his best verse has gotta be from "whatever you say"..
the one where he concludes with...

"i got ya head still bobbin and my verse didn't rhyme... "