more pictures coming
It took Hype Williams 3 months to create Kanye's the "Stronger" video which was shot in japan... Rihanna's (aka no rhythm) video was basically her standing still with an umbrella.. this upsets me! Rihanna won video of the year out of even Justin Timberlake's (mini movie) 'What goes around comes around' could have won before rihanna.. sheeeeesh
Chris BROWN.
idk what you all think of when you hear that name, but i think of mini michael j, he can danceeee.! He is the ultimate performer. Just give him a stage, some light, and a mic if he can catch a breath to sing
i loveeeed his performance wow.. find the entire performance from him here
Sais: did you see him salute that a**? (referring to when alicia keys finished) lol.
Britney looked okay..she didn't sing, I think mom is just a little rusty and out of shape, she didn't move much either
i liked all kanye's performances ;o) lol to when he was doing the superman
chris brown's performance might just have been the illest VMA performance EVER!!!!
all these other pop cats
alicia keys was yelling, sounded like she was struggling
lol alicia's always trying, it just doesn't come out right
chris brown was amazing.
Yeah Chris did his thing up there. Some of my friend in Europe couldnt access the vids from Mtv,so i directed them here. I also liked Ye's performances. I really likes Good Life. Dude lowered his glasses at homegurl and she was looking like "what?" lol.
This performance was way hott...he has so much talent it's rediculous!
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