Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"kiss kiss"

Chris Brown ft. T Pain

nappy boy and pretty boy

i love watching chris brown, he's such an entertainer, singer, Dancer, he's not bad at acting either.. i love his videos! :o) :sidenote: sharonda.. chris > O

Music Videos - Kiss Kissi like this part

in stores sept. 11th
He has an upcoming album titled "Exclusive"

The VMA's air live from Las Vegas on Sept. 9th 2007 at 9pm Est!


Anonymous said...

Ha, I was just getting ready to get on launch to watch that video. Thanks Heather! lol And I didnt know his album was coming out on the 11th, is he trying to get in on the Kanye-50 action? lol

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! I like the big dude that called in trying to crump in the car at the end. Ok this is my last message forreal.

h.e.r.fection said...

NO that magazine comes out the 11th! lol

Anonymous said...

Great work.