Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"mad love, wouldn't disrespect"

i really love the messages you guys send me rather it be myspace, facebook, text, calls, or even posting the stuff you found through here, quoting my thoughts then showing me how you used it, telling me you've bookmarked me, subscribed, added to the favorites..! but to let me know even more how much you appreciate this blog just drop your comments here sometimes! You don't have to be a member.. I get backed up with myspace messages, i get a new one everyday telling me thanks for my blog.. so if i never responded i'm sorry i have a short term memory! ask anybody lol..its also easier for me to remember to write you back if you comment on my wall on myspace, but i love yall especially my locals :o).. and on another note, what i post on here is my taste, i don't post everything thats happening because its not all appealing to me, maybe if i get big enough i'll post alot more of whats happening though lol, peace & love*heather

the daily messages~! <3<3<3

*i try to keep this site simple, people enjoy visuals more than they do reading so thats why i keep clips, tracks, and pics posted more often than a page full of my opinions, but any questions message me, i'm a good listener 8)*

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

your blog is steadily escalating to its peak, your words hold tremendous effect (obviously)
boog you shine mama <3
i looove loooove looooove your blogs keep 'em coming, you know im an avid reader.

love you boooogie woogie ;)