Saturday, July 28, 2007

"9th wonder of the planet" - Jay z

"this generation only stays a fan of an artist for 2 months" 9th wonder

he is so right

this is 9th and his dad at my school, we had a hip hop forum awhile excited i was to be here :oP 9th

quotes i took from his speech:
-there are many different ways in hip hop you can make money.
-i can't put feelings on paper
-the music you listen to is a reflection of the type of person you are
-you think you're doing something? You're the hottest thing in winston..okay.. but you're not known in burlington though? (a city next to winston)
-utilize all the avenues you have

on the subject, fan i am
i am a fan of alot of artist, honostly, i am a fan of production as well, if you didn't like the beat the artist was performing over you wouldn't even like the song...
i don't buy their first album and forget, i go back and check up, see whats the latest they've worked on and even who they're working with, production, all of it, yes i read the booklets from the cd! lol..

Profound Ma: i was walkinq by cinnabon and i seen they had churros it reminded me of you
usunshiine: man i need those in my life
Profound Ma: haha
Profound Ma: they are pretty qood.
Profound Ma: i had a sample yesterday at the mall
usunshiine: of a cinnabon
Profound Ma: no the churro
Profound Ma: at cinnabon
usunshiine: what
usunshiine: they have those
Profound Ma: yea
Profound Ma: i quess its new, so they had samples
usunshiine: thats odd
usunshiine: did it taste like the festivals churros
Profound Ma: yea, somewhat its a cinnamon suqar flavor
usunshiine: is it filled with cream filling!
Profound Ma: yes
Profound Ma: lol
usunshiine: glory
usunshiine: i must go
Profound Ma: hahhaah
Profound Ma: no u didnt say glory


elizabeth said...

haha. um i cant believe you posted that, your hilarious.
i love you ;)

thE oLd SouL said...

"yes i read the booklets from the cd!"

Yeah, that sound like me, LOL!!!!

That must have been dope to have 9th at your school. I would love to take his class if I had the chance.