Thursday, December 27, 2007

early de ja vu

i'm gonna be normal for a minute and write an open blog.. after all when i started this blog it was really just about me & my day lol and my feelings.. that makes me laugh out loud? but really if u go back to my blog months & months ago i think u'd like it.

alot of times i blog at my morning job..which is hectic bc if anyone we're to walk in on me looking at pictures of a rapper or a video of a rapper they'd look at me very suprisingly lol. Anyhow i'm walking down the hall and my mom passes way on down, she waves and keeps going. I am still walking down the hall and picturing what is about to happen. lol.
i see me going "i knew you were GONNA DO THAT" bc i Know that my mother is about to hide around the corner and jump out at me while histarically laughing. even if it takes me another minute to finish this walk in the hall, she knows that i'm going to head to her desk to mess around before going to mine.
So i keep walking, for all she knows another person could walk around the corner.. but i guess her faith is so strong she just knows its me. I come around the corner, and there she isn't, she waits in the next cube to jump out.. what a piece of work. and shes dying laughing, as well as 2 other people who knew she was gonna do it.. idk how she held it in sometimes i can hear her laughing at the thought of what shes about to do so she never ends up scaring me.

i feel so old. i felt like yesterday was never going to end? and today feels so long and its only 10:10am? may be cause i woke up earlier than usual today.. idk. but the irony is my days have been flying, i feel so out of it, like i haven't had time to be a good friend and take calls and listen to people, get online and talk really its my phone, i have neglected it and anyone calling or texting it lol, i laugh but i mean it.. i just feel so busy or like i'm occupied w/ something else. i went to new york [not to mention i met consequence, he was really cool and was telling me hes gonna start a blog too lol thanks rik for everything] but before that i was busy and i still feel like im busy now that im back. im losin it! and xmas... YES its OVA[achiever download that on] i'm so glad is over. now i will pay off my credit card and destroy it. im talking alot righ?(c)sais sometimes i want to talk i just dont feel like making anyone listen.. cause thats how i feel when i talk.. like im making someone listen bc who wants to listen to all of this crap im writing about right now? Do u really even want to read it? so yea.. and my best friend john, poor thing. i dont even feel like going to his house to get my xmas present, im going to be usual again after new years. i just got a fowarded email from sam upstairs.. its really funny if u feel like reading it no i take it back its hilarious

and thats all i have to say about that - forest gump


Sais said...

me and heather was like 2 peas in a pod.

Sais said...


h.e.r.fection said...

haha im so glad someone read that lol